Media Resources

Press Room

Welcome to the Foundation’s press room. We look forward to working with you to provide background materials and visuals, arrange interviews, and coordinate visits to Liberty and Ellis Islands.

Press request? Please complete this form or email 
Attention Public Affairs.


NOTE: Press visits must be reviewed by the National Park Service. Visits must be arranged at least five (5) days in advance. Please note that there are some restrictions, such as time of day and access.

Click HERE for a map of Battery Park and check-in details.

Click HERE to access “In the News” for press releases and recent coverage about the Foundation.

Click HERE to explore our blog, The Torch, for stories about the monuments’ history, the immigrant experience, and more. 

Preserving History

The Foundation is dedicated to preserving and honoring Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. We work to enhance the monuments' educational capabilities and strive to connect visitors to the ideals and history they represent.