Statue of Liberty
Inscribe a name

Wall of Honor

Honor Your Family Story

Wall of Honor

The American Immigrant Wall of Honor, located on Ellis Island in New York Harbor, commemorates the immigrant experience and is one of the only places in the United States where individuals can honor their family heritage at a National Monument. Unveiled in 1990 with the opening of the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, the wall originally featured only Ellis Island passengers. Today, this permanent tribute to our nation’s immigration story features nearly one million names – representing the journey of all of those who have left home to pursue the promise of a better life.

Snowy days on Ellis Island

Visit the Wall of Honor
on Ellis Island

Overlooking the Manhattan skyline, the Wall is just outside the National Museum of Immigration. If you’re arranging a trip to visit, you can look up your family’s name before your visit or on site at one of our Wall of Honor kiosks on Ellis Island.

History of NY Immigration

From 1820 to 1957, New York welcomed over 65 million immigrants from around the globe in search of new opportunity. Over 800,000 immigrants and beloved ancestors are honored on the Wall of Honor.

The Role of The Foundation

Keeping History Alive

The Foundation keeps the voice of Ellis Island alive. We help modern Americans understand our heritage and foster appreciation for the vibrancy and diversity of our national identity.